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O Grupo de Estudos 23 de Outubro mantém 11 Blogs, eles falam de moralidade, política, nacionalismo, sociedade e Fé. Se você gostar inscreva-se como seguidor, ou divulgue nosso Blog clicando sobre o envelope marcado com uma flecha ao fim de cada texto. Agradecemos seu comentário. Obrigado pela visita.

terça-feira, 26 de maio de 2015

Vida Fluente.

You are male and want a fluent life, rich, interesting, supported? So I love women. Love wholeheartedly older, ugly, fat, beautiful, young, small, large, widows, married ... love them all; love your wife, because it is wisdom, loving women love life, love mother earth, love Eva and Maria; We find balance, satisfaction and support.
Note: I Talked to love and not use. The love I speak Translates into open ears to hear and understand the female world, deep respect and rejoice before the suffering of women, delight in female company, accepting Their strength Knowing que behind this is safe que the woman has a living que heart melts in tears for detail. 

Today we have 11 Blogs, some may be accessed directly from this page by clicking where it is written, ACCESS BY clicking BELOW, shortly after the profile on the left bank. Thank you for visiting.

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