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quarta-feira, 1 de janeiro de 2014

Fish group.

Hoje temos 11 Blogs, alguns podem ser acessados diretamente nessa página, clicando onde esta escrito, ACESSE CLICANDO ABAIXO, logo depois do Perfil, na margem esquerda. Muito obrigado pela visita.

A mother Fish lays more egges than you count_ often more than a million. She doesn't stay to take care of de baby fish that come fron the egges. After she drops her egges ind the water, she swins away.
When a baby fish comnes out of one the egges, it has hatched. But not many of the egges hatch. Other fish- and frogs and turtles_ eat many of the fish egges. Some of the egges float onto the land, where birds eat them

Beginning of facts.
Men sage si frad

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